Remembering 2006

At this time of year, I shred my financial files from 8 years ago, since (I believe) legally I’m no longer required to keep them. In the process I often gain some interesting insights into what was going on in my life at that point. This year I thought that I’d like to share with you […]

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Image of a Baseball Player

Uncle Roy and the Baseball Miracle

(Time to read: ~3 minutes) One of the most significant events in my life happened around a game I hate – baseball! I like the kind of activities that flow smoothly – like dance or even soccer. And I hate waiting around, doing nothing. So baseball!?! That game where you (or at least I) spend […]

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Uncle Roy’s Story

(An 8 minute video of Uncle Roy telling his story) I wrote this post about a contribution my Uncle Roy made to my life. And now you can hear his side of that story at the following link. I hope you find it as meaningful and inspiring as I do. (You’ll need to listen […]

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SimCan Comfort Socks – Cotton or Wool

(Time to read: ~ 1 minute)  (Originally published: Jan 9, 2011) For as long as I can remember, I have loved cotton next to my skin – whether in sheets, underwear, towels, t-shirts, skirts, trousers or socks. For years I wore men’s athletic tube socks because they were so much more comfortable than the women’s […]

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Every conflict…

 “I will do everything in my power to resolve every conflict, however small.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

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Quinoa Salad

To Cook Quinoa: Rinse quinoa 2 parts water to 1 part quinoa (1 cup makes quite a lot) Steam about 15-20 minutes then let sit covered as it cools Dressing: Lemon juice Olive oil Salt to taste Add: Finely chopped parsley, green onion Currants Toasted pine nuts Alternative: Same dressing Chopped parsley, green onion Tomato […]

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Inspector Morse

(Time to read: ~ 1 minute) (Originally published: Fri Sept 24, 2010) I hope to write more about what I enjoy about this video series later. For now I wanted to provide a link to the ordered list I’ve created of what DVD sets contain what episodes that were produced in what order (as best […]

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The Key to Teaching

Nine tenths of education is encouragement. – Anatole France

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To accomplish great things…

To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe. – Anatole France

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Singing Along with Dad, Thanks to Mom

(Time to read: ~ 1 minute) One of my most treasured childhood memories of being with my Dad is of him taking me downstairs to a Sunday School room (we lived upstairs at the time), him playing the piano and us singing hymns together. And this memory is interwoven with other precious memories of summer […]

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