List – PD James books – Roy Marsden movies

(Time to read: ~ 1 minute)

In an earlier post, I wrote about the criteria I use in choosing books and videos for entertainment.

One of the video series I enjoy primarily for its characters are the Adam Dalgleish stories by PD James, but only the ones in which Dalgleish is portrayed by Roy Marsden.

There is something about the quality of energy that Roy Marsden brings to the role that is really delightful for me – a sense of depth that comes through even when he is distracted or brusque.

So I’ve compiled (from Wikipedia) a list of PD James books featuring Adam Dalgleish by publication date, noting those that were made into TV series / movies by Anglia TV with Roy Marsden playing Dalgleish.

I enjoy watching things the order they were produced. Because in this case there are two different “orders”, I’ve created two tabs:

  • one listing the books in order by publication date, showing those that have been turned into movies with Roy Marsden as Dalgleish
  • the other listing the stories in order by TV production date (as best I can determine it).

I’d enjoy knowing if anyone else finds these lists useful. 🙂

The image of Roy Marsden (above) is from:


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