How I Choose Books (and other entertainment)

(Time to read: ~ 1 minute)

Someone once divided all stories into either romances or mysteries. Using this categorization, I am very definitely a mystery fan.

There are two other key factors I use in choosing entertainments of all types:

  1. The world view of the author. Einstein said that we all must decide for ourselves whether the universe is a friendly or unfriendly place.** I learned early on that I very easily pick up the world view of an author, so I choose to read and watch only stories in which I believe the author sees the universe as a friendly place.
  2. Whether I like the main characters – whether I sense that they share my values in wanting everyone’s needs to be met.

For these two reasons, I tend to read and watch a lot of series – once I find an author whose world view I appreciate and a set of characters I like, then they become like friends to me, and I enjoy following the unfolding of their lives and their world.

I look forward to sharing with you some of my favourites.

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** Precise Einstein quote:

“I think the most important question facing humanity is, ‘Is the universe a friendly place?’ This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves.”

(from and


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